

Beach Photo

The Ellington Parks and Recreation Department offers great aquatic programs for all ages.

Please note that not all programs available are mentioned on this page; for more information, please visit our Activenet page.

Click here to review the letter regarding having a raft at Crystal Lake; this letter was provided to the Town by Stephen Pendl, Risk Management Consultant, CIRMA Risk Management Services.

Swimming Lessons  2024 season: Unfortunately we will not be offering swimming lessons this summer. If you have any questions please email Assistant Recreation Director/Aquatics Director Mary M. Bartley @


The Crystal Lake Sandy Beach Facility will be open June 10th  through August 18th, 2024

(weather & staff permitting)

BEACH PASSES Available for purchase online through Activenet starting May 6th for Ellington Residents ONLY, or in person at the Recreation Department during regular business hours.

Sandy Beach Memo 2024
Sandy Beach Rules 2024

2024 Season Pass Rates - Ellington Residents Only
$75.00 Per Family
$40.00 Individual
$10.00 Senior Citizens (ages 60+)

2024 Walk-In Rates - Ellington Residents Only
$10.00 Adult (ages 18+)
$8.00 Child (ages 5-17) - ages under 5 are free
$1.00 Senior (ages 60+)

2024 Walk-In Rates - Non Ellington Residents
$20.00 Adults (ages 18+)
$10.00 (ages 5-17) - Ages under 5 are free
$1.00 Seniors (Ages 60 +)

"Carry in/Out” trash policy will be in effect: Patrons must take out what they bring in. No receptacles will be available
  for public use.

  No Grilling or Fires allowed at the facility. No Smoking /Vaping is allowed at the beach.

   Restrooms will be open.
 Restrooms will be cleaned periodically throughout the day. 

KNOW BEFORE YOU GO: Should the parking area or waterfront reach maximum capacity at any point, the beach will be
closed and notification will be posted immediately on the Ellington Recreation Department Facebook page at Any closures due to weather or staffing will also be posted. 
Please be sure to check our Facebook page before departing for the beach.

Please note these requirements reflect our current guidelines, any changes or updates will be posted to our Facebook page.  Beach officials have full authority to impose further restrictions to ensure a safe aquatic environment. Law enforcement will be monitoring beach activity and any willful violation of beach rules may result in immediate ejection from the premise, revocation of beach pass rights, and any further action deemed necessary by law enforcement.