Get Involved
General Information
Application Form for Employment
Completed applications can be submitted via:
Mail: PO Box 187, Ellington, CT 06029
Drop-off: 31 Arbor Way, Ellington, CT 06029
Application Tips:
- Submit your application in a timely manner; the earlier, the better, even if the deadline is months away.
- Your application should be filled-in completely, and accurately by you, not by a parent.
- List any applicable experience, honor, and previous roles that would make you a better candidate. (Examples: Eagle Scout, High Honors student, leadership training, certifications).
- All application and interview communication should be between applicant and employer, please do not have a parent make communications for you. Show us that you are interested.
- Ensure that you are available for the time commitment of the role in which you are applying for.
Interview Tips:
- Arrive on time, this shows potential employers that you are timely and reliable.
- Dress appropriately; neat, clean, and professional.
- Relax and take your time. We understand that this may be many applicants first interview. If you need us to repeat a question, that is okay. We are most interested to see if you are confident, decisive, reliable, able to communicate effectively, enforce rules, and respond to emergencies.
- Lastly, be honest with your answers.
Important Forms:
Employment Opportunities
The Ellington Parks & Recreation Department offers numerous employment opportunities throughout the year. If you are interested in applying for any of the following positions, please reach out to the corresponding recreation department staff member.
Dustin Huguenin, Recreation Director (
- Soccer: USSF (Soccer) Officials
Mary Bartley, Assistant Recreation Director / Waterfront Director (
- WSI and LGT Lifeguards
Kevin Barrett, Recreation Supervisor (
- Basketball: Youth Basketball Referee, Book & Clock, Site Supervisors
- Summer Camp: Director/Assistant Director, Camp Counselors
- Lacrosse: Youth Lacrosse Officials
Volunteer Opportunities
The Ellington Parks & Recreation Department offers a variety of volunteer and community service opportunities throughout the year. Availability varies with season. Please contact the department at or (860) 870-3118 for current availability.
Volunteer Coach
The Ellington Parks & Recreation Department welcomes applications for volunteer coaches for each level of youth sports: Instructional, Recreational, and Travel. Most needed are coaches for Soccer, Basketball, T-Ball, and Lacrosse. (See General Information tab for Volunteer Application).
Instructional Sports Volunteer
The Ellington Parks & Recreation Department welcomes middle and high school students to volunteer with our Instructional Sports programs: Soccer, Basketball, T-Ball, and Lacrosse. Many find this to be a rewarding and fulfilling experience for their school community service hours. For more information, please contact Kevin Barrett (Recreation Supervisor) at